Adsurd Cluster of A Franchise: Wet Hot American Summer

Wet Hot American Summer is a hot mess. That is a compliment.

It has been a long overdue for me to watch this franchise which consists of the original movie, Wet Hot American Summer (2001), Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, and Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later, all directed by David Wain.

I have to say, a perfect trilogy like this comes ever so often. This is one of them.

For those who have not watched it, the film chronicles the deliriously lunatic last day of the people at Camp Firewood in the summer of 1981.

Doesn’t sound that appealing, ain’t it? But don’t be fooled, it is a gem not to be missed, and endlessly rewatchable if I say so.

The franchise is filled with silly punchlines and clichés being parodied, and also quotable as heck and a fun watch that you will walkway with a new favorite joke with every new watch. This hot mess also launched the careers of some of the actors, such as Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks and Amy Poehler.

It so popular that it spun a prequel and sequel, 14 and 16 years later respectively. Actors such as Chris Pine, Jason Schwartzman, Jon Hamm, and Michael Cera even joined the cast. With guest appearances from Jordan Peele and “Weird Al” Yankovic.

Most of the main cast of the original movie. -via Entertainment Weekly

For First Day of Camp, I enjoyed the new characters, and not to mention that all the returning characters are played by the same original cast looking way older than they did on the last day of camp. It is absurdly funny to see grown ass adults in their late thirties and early forties playing teenagers.

I felt sentimental watching it, but I gotta say, it does not have the charm of the original, but hey, most sequels don’t trump the predecessor.

First Day of Camp. -via Netflix

Same here for Ten Years Later, nothing compares to the original. But still….. A can of vegetables fucking a waitress is godly hilarious to me. I stand by my point, the original charmed me, well the rest made me reminisce.

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Ten Years Later Reunion- Via Netflix

The sole goal of this franchise is to make us laugh and it did. What does WHAS have?

Character development? Sure. Kinda. Maybe

Coherent plot? A hot mess.

Innovative filmmaking technique and style? Boy, what you talking about?

Jewish names that sounds like they were made up on the spot? Yes!

Ridiculous characters who does not question the absurdity of their world? Much of them.

A psycho Ronald Reagan? Absolutely!

A sentient can of vegetables that talks? Hell Yeah!

via Giphy

I enjoy great films and that classics that are lauded by critics and people alike, but Wet Hot American Summer is a masterpiece in its own. Watching it brings people joy, simply as that. No more, no less.

If you can’t enjoy it, then my friend, as Andy would put it.

Via Giphy

As for everyone else, walla-walla hoo!

Watch Wet Hot American Summer!

If you have so, and need some brightness in your life, rewatch it!



Image result for Wet Hot american summer logo

A Fantasist’s Brilliant Family Cartoon: Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia.


Via Netflix

On the 23rd of December 2016, Netflix dropped Trollhunters. This unexpected delight came from the brilliant mind of the horrormeister, Guillermo Del Toro, who is typically known for adult oriented content such as “Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006), “Shape of Water” (2017) and the Hellboy film franchise.

Guillermo del Toro in 2017.jpg

Guillermo Del Tore, the Lovable Man-bear Fantasist via Wikipedia

In this fantastical animated series, we adventure into the magical realm of…….Trolls. Yeah, I know. Not the most glamorous of aspects when we think of the fantasy genre. The series is centered around the mild-mannered boy, Jim Lake Jr., where we follow his escapades to the world of trolls, starting from the discovery of the mystical amulet that chose him as the new Trollhunter, to saving the entire world from the evil trolls and other mystical magical antagonists such as Morgana.

In the beginning, it would have been easy to dismiss Trollhunters as but a funny-action-cartoon show that serves to distract children, and ultimately forgettable. Instead, we received a series with compelling characters and a story that actually has stakes in it (unlike most children’s programming) and an ending that is both surprising and satisfying for those who have dutifully followed the series from the start.

It boggles me that why aren’t there any rave reviews about it. It baffles me to no end, some shows are just hidden gems that are waiting to be found.

via Giphy

Aspects of the series that I adore are the design of the trolls which of course is Del Toro’s forte and the mythology of the Trollhunter. World-building is essential to any fantasy world, and Del Toro and Dreamworks did it right. The design of the trolls gets a lot of attention, the personality of these trolls are excellently conveyed through the physicality of their designs, from the robust but calm, AAARRRGGHH!!!, to the intellectual but anxious, Blinky. With every coming episode, we also learn more about the history of the world of Trolls, from their formation by Merlin and Morgana, to the source of life of all trolls, the Hearthstone. The lore of the series is deepened with a good chunk of screen time devoted to exploring the world and the legacy of Trollhunting. It is a huge plus in my book.

Never have I been invested in an animated fantasy TV world since Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra which also contains heavy world building elements to it.

Yes. I said it. Blasphemy.

via Giphy

But yeah, I enjoyed Trollhunters very much so.

via Giphy

With the end of Trollhunters, the first chapter of the Tales of Arcadia ends, we will explore more through the rest of the trilogy, which are 3 Below and Wizards. The conclusion of the trilogy as we are told, will result in us seeing a conflict that would decide the fate of the galaxy, cliche it may be, but we’ll have to wait and find out, how invested can be get.

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via Cartoon Brew

As long as they do right by the characters and the relationship they have forged, and at the same time, craft a emotionally satisfying adventure. I’ll be satisfied.

via Giphy

Now, let’s talk about how dark can this series get. I am for one, who supports that children’s content should be darker. I want more children’s cartoons to be bolder in what stories they tell, I want death that actually lasts and have an impactful effect on the characters, I want characters to have their hand chopped off by their fathers (a bit to far…..for children’s content perhaps, but I stand by my ideals); you get what I mean, I don’t want stories where there are not stakes in it, and the characters do not have to sacrifice anything to overcome an obstacle in their life or adventure.

I want Character Growth. Period.

No spoilers.

In the case of Trollhunters, while it is still an animated series aimed at children, it is mature in its storytelling and subject matter, so that it actually peaks the interest of adults. Main characters, Jim, Claire, and Toby are faced with heavy burden of saving the world and winning the war between the good trolls vs Morgana and Gunmar’s evil trolls. They have to make life-altering choices that doesn’t come with easy answers, and that they grow from it.

Its a bittersweet journey for all these characters, and I say, great. Character Growth. Checked.

It is not just all seriousness, the mature tone is balanced out with humour and silliness that all ages can enjoy. A well-placed fart joke or two, will get them kids giggling.

via Giphy

By the end of the day, Trollhunters is still made with kids in mind, though more violent, people and trolls alike get hurt, and some even die. However, the core elements in the series keeps it grounded and real. Responsibility is a core theme, from Jim’s responsibility as a son who makes lunch for his hardworking single mother to the savior of Troll kind that has to answer all calls to action, and the balance between those two worlds is by no means easy, he has suffered for it.

His teacher even calls Jim, Young Atlas. You know, the Titan from Greek Mythology who is tasked of maintaining the divide between the heavens and the earth on his shoulders! Responsibility. Quite fitting if I am to say.

via Giphy

To summarize, Trollhunters is not just a cheesy coming of age cartoon. It is a slow build up in the initial episodes, in which it sets up the characters and their relationships. It follows the traditional tropes of a fantasy hero plot, but the characters are much more complex than just stereotypical fantasy characters. The plot is formulaic at times, but it does engage the audience in unexpected ways, because nothing is certain.

Along with the engaging plot, we have one of the more visually appealing cartoons to this date, which dynamic and fluid sequences. 3D animation tends to have awkward sequences, especially a TV budget, Trollhunters has none of those problems. Instead it is vibrant and a delight to watch.

Watch it. Please. It is fantastic family cartoon. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy.

via Giphy

Also, SHOUT OUT to my favourite character, Gnome Chompsky. (A play on American Philosopher, Noam Chomsky)

via Giphy