Best Adventure Time Songs

Throughout the show, there lies catchy, endearing and mathematical songs! To remember Adventure Time is to remember the songs that made the series oh so special.

So here is a list of Adventure Time songs that I love. Get ready and bear with me, cause there are a lot of them.

House Hunting Song/Oh, Marceline Season 1 Episode 12 ‘Evicted’

One of the first  AT songs that made me keep humming the rhythm throughout the day during highschool. Singing things that suck in a upbeat tone is my kinda thing, and man, there are some absurdly suck-y things that happen in Finn and Jake’s quest to find a new home.

Favorite verse:

Oh, Marceline,
Why are you so mean?
Marceline: I’m not mean, I’m a thousand years old,
And I just lost track of my moral code.

Fun fact: This songs is one of the few songs that are not fully sung by the characters, in fact the male voice is from the lovable burly creator, Pendelton Ward.

Fry Song Season 2 Episode 1 ‘It Came from the Nightosphere’

My first Emo anthem, I am not kidding. This song, to me, represents issues that I had with my parents, emotional absence of the parent can really mess up a kid. For Marceline, the fries symbolizes the trauma that occurred between she and her dad.

This song taught me empathy. So parents, take note, just be there for your children.

Favorite verse:

Do you even love me?
Well, I wish you’d show it,
‘Cause I wouldn’t know it.

Friends Season 2 Episode 23 ‘Video Maker’

This underrated gem is a simple song about friendship, what else can you ask for? Not to mention that it is sang by the ever wholesome BMO.

Favorite verse: The whole song itself

Finn, why are you fighting with your friend?
Jake, you know this can’t be the end.
Romance or action, does not matter.
Hurting your friends will make you sadder.

Guys, you know you’re much more than this.
You two, please stop or you’ll undo
All that you’ve been through,

Just hug and it’s agreed:
Your love will not delete.

Puncha yo Buns Season 3 Episode 3 ‘Memory of a memory’

This adorable song of Baby Finn trying to puncha yo buns is catchy and memorable as heck. It embodies the spirit of Adventure Time, and that is silliness and fun.

Fight me, if you do not like this song.

Favorite verse: The whole thing!

I’m a buff baby that can dance like a man,
I can shake-a my fanny, I can shake-a my can!

I’m a tough tootin’ baby, I can punch-a yo buns!
Punch-a yo buns, I can punch all yo buns!
If you’re an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!

Oh, Fionna Season 3 Episode 9 ‘Fionna and Cake’

Now, how could we forget songs from the gender bender-verse. It is a sweet song about confessing ones attraction wonderfully sang by Neil Patrick Harris.

It was a nice touch for the song to appear again in the finale, when Ice King sings it to Betty, however it was edited to be meant for Betty. Yikes. Nevertheless, for a while, Betty felt as if her beloved Simon was singing to her.

Favorite Verse:

I feel like nothing was real until I met you.
I feel like we connect, and I really get you.
If I said, “You’re a beautiful girl,” would it upset you?
Because the way you look tonight, silhouetted, I’ll never forget it.

I’m just Your Problem Season 3 Episode 10 ‘What was Missing’

One of the all time favorites of many fans, the song that made all fans theorize the potential past romantic relationship between Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. And of course, it is canon now!

The song identifies the emotional pains that come with being in a relationship, or just relationships in general. It hit me real in the heart, cause it projects the experience the feelings of neglect and forgotten by your loved ones, and generally feeling not enough for those people.

Favorite verse:

Well, I shouldn’t have to justify what I do
I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you
I’m sorry that I exist, I forget what landed me on your blacklist
But I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you

My Best Friends in the World Season 3 Episode 10 ‘What was Missing’

Another song from the same episode, again, it is a classic that is much beloved. This song shows the endearing trait of Finn, his genuine honesty. He just wants his friends to get long, that is all and no more than that, and that is just simply great.

Additionally, it represents Finn’s insecurities, because he is significantly younger than the others, as well as being human. The song just lets out all the emotions of a teenage confused about their place in this world.

Favorite verse:

What am I to you?
Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother?
What am I to you?
Do you look down on me ’cause I’m younger?

All Gummed Up Inside/All Warmed Up Inside Season 3 Episode 26 ‘Incedium’

All Gummed Up Inside is an emotional song about heartbreak, the feeling of being hung up and devastated. It was just painful to watch him in that state but hey, we got a treat in the song right after.

As for its companion piece, All Warmed Up Inside, it is a testament to Finn and Jake’s friendship, to be able to improvise on a song that was only just heard once is impressive. It is also cool to have a buddy to a lady for his laddie.

Favorite verse:

Oh, Flame Princess,
I think you’re rad.
I really wanna kiss you,
Right in front of your dad.

Bacon Pancakes Season 4 Episode 16 ‘Burning Low’

This ain’t rocket science, this is a glorious song.

Favorite verse: The whole damn thing!

Bacon pancakes, makin’ bacon pancakes,
Take some bacon and I’ll put it in a pancake,
Bacon pancakes, that’s what it’s gonna make,
Bacon pancaaake!

Maybe I’m the One Who’s Nuts season 4 Episode 25 ‘I Remember You’

A song about the frustration with dealing with a person with Alzheimer’s and or Bipolar disorder, that is how I view this song. This song was a tearjerker, the revelation about Ice King was a historical moment in Children’s animation.

I still tear up listening to it.

Favorite Verse: The whole goddamn song! *sobs

You’re so annoying, you pitiful, old man.
I’d like to help you, but I don’t know if I can.
I thought you were nuts,
But you’re really, really, really nuts.

Every time I move eventually you’d find me,
And start hanging around.
Just another lame excuse to see me.
Man, it’s getting me down.

You know I’m actually glad to see you.
Maybe I’m the one who’s…

I Remember You season 4 Episode 25 ‘I Remember You’

A continuation of Maybe I’m the One Who’s Nuts is the a sledgehammer of emotions that combines both tragic pasts of the Ice King and Marceline that is still today the most emotionally powerful story that Adventure Time has ever produced.

Favorite part: Again, the whole bloody song is a treasure to be heard!

Marceline: Marceline, is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world?
That must be so confusing for a little girl.
And I know you’re going to need me here with you.
But I’m losing myself, and I’m afraid you’re gonna lose me too.

This magic keeps me alive, but it’s making me crazy,
And I need to save you, but who’s going to save me?
Please forgive me for whatever I do,
When I don’t remember you

Ice King: Marceline, I can feel myself slipping away.
I can’t remember what it made me say.
But I remember that I saw you frown.
I swear it wasn’t me, it was the crown.

This magic keeps me
Together: Alive, but it’s making me crazy.
And I need to save you, but who’s going to save me?
Please forgive me for whatever I do,

When I don’t remember you.
Please forgive me for whatever I do,
When I don’t remember you.
Da da, da da da da da,

Da da, da da da da,
Da da da da da da.

Good Little Girl Season 5 Episode 11 ‘Bad Little Boy’

Another song from the gender bender-verse. This is just an all round cool song that reflects the mysterious Marshall Lee.

I still rap it ever so often. *cough

Favorite verse:

Baby, I’m not from here,
I’m from the Nightosphere. To me, you’re clear… transparent.
You’ve got a thing for me, girl. It’s apparent.


Young Lemonhope Season 5 Episode 52. Lemonhope Part 2

This is melancholic hero’s ballad that we don’t hear anymore in the modern world. The tale of a lemon child who seeks freedom, after tasting it, does not wish to relinquish it, but comes back to save his brethren, for a peace of mind. The ballad of Lemonhope certainly embodies the hero’s journey, well deserved indeed.

Sang by Princess Bubblegum herself, that is a special treat we never really gotten until this song.

Favorite verse: Every thing, this is a ballad to be heard!

Young Lemonhope, born from candy and glue,
creator of beauty and ugliness too.
Poor Lemonhope, I found you in the dark,
you lived in the bathroom now live in our hearts.

Sweet Lemonhope, freed by hard sacrifice,
to live in the kingdom of sugar and spice.
Lost Lemonhope, longed for freedom above.
compassion or friendship, wisdom or love.

Strong Lemonhope, risking freedom and health,
came back for his brothers and for himself.
Safe Lemonhope, no more will you roam,
once you were lost and now you’re back home.

Food Chain Season 6 Episode 7 ‘Food Chain’

This spectacle of a song is…….well a spectacle, celebrates the gloriously harsh reality of the food chain that sustains life. Not to mention, Masaaki Yuasa’s guest animating makes it a tripy experience to absorb the visuals and song!

Favorite verses:

How natural, no waste
It is an endless chain
What an amazing, wonderful, and excellent!

How harsh, not careless
It’s an endless chain
What an amazing, wonderful, and excellent food… food chain!

Everything Stays Season 7 Episode 7 ‘Everything Stays’

This song is featured twice in the Stakes miniseries, sung by Marceline’s mom (Voiced by Rebecca Sugar) and Marceline respectively.

Man, when I heard this song, it brings out the pessimistic side of my personality. It describes how people and events do not change drastically, people may have to adapt and evolve into a new situation. But deep down, there is something that anchors you to your roots. Basically, saying that no one can truly escape from their past.

Favorite verse:

Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

Time Adventure Series Finale ‘Come Along With Me’

The song about harmony and endearing friendship, written by Rebecca Sugar, the last song that she wrote for Adventure Time. While BMO may not be the best singer, but wow. I just enjoyed it, let the sense of camaraderie flow into me.

There is honestly not much to say, I just like this song.

Favorite verse:

Time is an illusion that helps things make sense
So we are always living in the present tense
It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends

Come Along With Me Series Finale ‘Come Along With Me’

Iconic. Nostalgic. Memorable. For years, we’ve heard the first verse of this song, and now at the end, we get to hear the whole thing. The montage of the lives of the characters was a punch to the gut, so much feels just rushed into me. To see, the characters that I grew up with, move on in life, is bittersweet, but I am satisfied. It is a fitting ending to the series.

Goodbye Adventure Time, I’ll see you again in the movies.

Favorite verse:

Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please.

Come Along With Me and Say a Bittersweet Goodbye to Adventure Time.


I bawled my eyes out watching this finale, a lot of raw emotions just rushed in after finishing watching it, heck, even halfway through. Especially the ending song montage of the lives of the characters after the ‘Gum War’.

This finale won’t be for everyone, but for those who understand the true essence of the series, it leaves an impact. There is no end to this series, well at least terms of the philosophy of Adventure Time. Some may question the point of the Gum War, as it was pretty much left hanging with a mega cosmic presence that overshadowed the point of Uncle Gumbald’s plot. But to me, it made perfect sense, anything can happen in life, there is not controlling it. However, I do concede to the point that the trailer and promotion were a bit misleading about the conflict between PB and Uncle Gumbald.

The show’s whimsical nature will never allow it to be written into a corner whereby there is a conclusion to the narrative of Adventure Time, it is a show about life going on its way, regardless of what we do. Some may say it is about the growth of Finn’s character, as if there is an end to one’s growth, life is about change, the only constant there is in Adventure Time is change. The new characters introduced in the opening is an embodiment of that principle, Beth and Shermy (possibly reincarnations of Finn and Jake), life in the Land of Ooo, moves on. It made me happy when BMO says that Finn and Jake lived on with their lives, as such is Adventure Time’s core value.

The show gave the perfect send off to the characters in the way that it would have, not because of the demands of the fans. I salute to them for doing so. Nevertheless, it feels bittersweet that the series finally ended.

Little tidbits that I enjoyed from the Finale:

  1. Lemongrab giving PB a note saying ‘Unmake me’ when seeing Glob.
  2. Sweet Pea being a Giant Man carrying the a sword possibly being a hero as a tribute to his heroes, Finn and Jake.
  3. Princess Bubblegum and Marceline smooching!!!!!
  4. Gunter wishing to be Evergreen/IceKing
  5. LSP kissing Lemongrab
  6. BMO becoming the King of Ooo
  7. Fern living on as the tree

My feelings towards Adventure Time

My journey with Adventure Time started in 2010 when I was 14, and for 8 years, 10 seasons, and 283 episodes, this series has been with me during my formative years as a budding teenager and when I go through life in university. To the point that my dissertation was about Adventure Time and its portrayal of youth and adulthood. Adventure Time truly was an influence on my perspective of life and essential to the formation of my grey moral code. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the series, I grew with Finn and Jake, side by side. I am gonna miss this series, my children in the future will probably watch it as well, with me beside them, of course.

I’ve fallen in love with every character, no matter how minute and obscure it was. I felt the emotions that they feel, each so unique in their design and characterization. I am thankful for the creators who have placed so much hard work into the show, you guys are truly phenomenal. It is hard to say goodbye to a show that I am so emotionally attached to, It is fortunate of me to have witness this inspiring show in the height of its cultural impact. The show will always be in my heart, never forgotten.

With a perfect song to end the series, rallying us to what makes Adventure Time special, a  really specific feeling that’s hard to describe. Come Along With Me.

Farewell Adventure Time, it was one hell of a journey. Thank You for being there.



Adsurd Cluster of A Franchise: Wet Hot American Summer

Wet Hot American Summer is a hot mess. That is a compliment.

It has been a long overdue for me to watch this franchise which consists of the original movie, Wet Hot American Summer (2001), Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, and Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later, all directed by David Wain.

I have to say, a perfect trilogy like this comes ever so often. This is one of them.

For those who have not watched it, the film chronicles the deliriously lunatic last day of the people at Camp Firewood in the summer of 1981.

Doesn’t sound that appealing, ain’t it? But don’t be fooled, it is a gem not to be missed, and endlessly rewatchable if I say so.

The franchise is filled with silly punchlines and clichés being parodied, and also quotable as heck and a fun watch that you will walkway with a new favorite joke with every new watch. This hot mess also launched the careers of some of the actors, such as Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks and Amy Poehler.

It so popular that it spun a prequel and sequel, 14 and 16 years later respectively. Actors such as Chris Pine, Jason Schwartzman, Jon Hamm, and Michael Cera even joined the cast. With guest appearances from Jordan Peele and “Weird Al” Yankovic.

Most of the main cast of the original movie. -via Entertainment Weekly

For First Day of Camp, I enjoyed the new characters, and not to mention that all the returning characters are played by the same original cast looking way older than they did on the last day of camp. It is absurdly funny to see grown ass adults in their late thirties and early forties playing teenagers.

I felt sentimental watching it, but I gotta say, it does not have the charm of the original, but hey, most sequels don’t trump the predecessor.

First Day of Camp. -via Netflix

Same here for Ten Years Later, nothing compares to the original. But still….. A can of vegetables fucking a waitress is godly hilarious to me. I stand by my point, the original charmed me, well the rest made me reminisce.

Image result for Wet Hot american summer ten years later

Ten Years Later Reunion- Via Netflix

The sole goal of this franchise is to make us laugh and it did. What does WHAS have?

Character development? Sure. Kinda. Maybe

Coherent plot? A hot mess.

Innovative filmmaking technique and style? Boy, what you talking about?

Jewish names that sounds like they were made up on the spot? Yes!

Ridiculous characters who does not question the absurdity of their world? Much of them.

A psycho Ronald Reagan? Absolutely!

A sentient can of vegetables that talks? Hell Yeah!

via Giphy

I enjoy great films and that classics that are lauded by critics and people alike, but Wet Hot American Summer is a masterpiece in its own. Watching it brings people joy, simply as that. No more, no less.

If you can’t enjoy it, then my friend, as Andy would put it.

Via Giphy

As for everyone else, walla-walla hoo!

Watch Wet Hot American Summer!

If you have so, and need some brightness in your life, rewatch it!



Image result for Wet Hot american summer logo

A Fantasist’s Brilliant Family Cartoon: Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia.


Via Netflix

On the 23rd of December 2016, Netflix dropped Trollhunters. This unexpected delight came from the brilliant mind of the horrormeister, Guillermo Del Toro, who is typically known for adult oriented content such as “Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006), “Shape of Water” (2017) and the Hellboy film franchise.

Guillermo del Toro in 2017.jpg

Guillermo Del Tore, the Lovable Man-bear Fantasist via Wikipedia

In this fantastical animated series, we adventure into the magical realm of…….Trolls. Yeah, I know. Not the most glamorous of aspects when we think of the fantasy genre. The series is centered around the mild-mannered boy, Jim Lake Jr., where we follow his escapades to the world of trolls, starting from the discovery of the mystical amulet that chose him as the new Trollhunter, to saving the entire world from the evil trolls and other mystical magical antagonists such as Morgana.

In the beginning, it would have been easy to dismiss Trollhunters as but a funny-action-cartoon show that serves to distract children, and ultimately forgettable. Instead, we received a series with compelling characters and a story that actually has stakes in it (unlike most children’s programming) and an ending that is both surprising and satisfying for those who have dutifully followed the series from the start.

It boggles me that why aren’t there any rave reviews about it. It baffles me to no end, some shows are just hidden gems that are waiting to be found.

via Giphy

Aspects of the series that I adore are the design of the trolls which of course is Del Toro’s forte and the mythology of the Trollhunter. World-building is essential to any fantasy world, and Del Toro and Dreamworks did it right. The design of the trolls gets a lot of attention, the personality of these trolls are excellently conveyed through the physicality of their designs, from the robust but calm, AAARRRGGHH!!!, to the intellectual but anxious, Blinky. With every coming episode, we also learn more about the history of the world of Trolls, from their formation by Merlin and Morgana, to the source of life of all trolls, the Hearthstone. The lore of the series is deepened with a good chunk of screen time devoted to exploring the world and the legacy of Trollhunting. It is a huge plus in my book.

Never have I been invested in an animated fantasy TV world since Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra which also contains heavy world building elements to it.

Yes. I said it. Blasphemy.

via Giphy

But yeah, I enjoyed Trollhunters very much so.

via Giphy

With the end of Trollhunters, the first chapter of the Tales of Arcadia ends, we will explore more through the rest of the trilogy, which are 3 Below and Wizards. The conclusion of the trilogy as we are told, will result in us seeing a conflict that would decide the fate of the galaxy, cliche it may be, but we’ll have to wait and find out, how invested can be get.

Image result for tales of arcadia

via Cartoon Brew

As long as they do right by the characters and the relationship they have forged, and at the same time, craft a emotionally satisfying adventure. I’ll be satisfied.

via Giphy

Now, let’s talk about how dark can this series get. I am for one, who supports that children’s content should be darker. I want more children’s cartoons to be bolder in what stories they tell, I want death that actually lasts and have an impactful effect on the characters, I want characters to have their hand chopped off by their fathers (a bit to far…..for children’s content perhaps, but I stand by my ideals); you get what I mean, I don’t want stories where there are not stakes in it, and the characters do not have to sacrifice anything to overcome an obstacle in their life or adventure.

I want Character Growth. Period.

No spoilers.

In the case of Trollhunters, while it is still an animated series aimed at children, it is mature in its storytelling and subject matter, so that it actually peaks the interest of adults. Main characters, Jim, Claire, and Toby are faced with heavy burden of saving the world and winning the war between the good trolls vs Morgana and Gunmar’s evil trolls. They have to make life-altering choices that doesn’t come with easy answers, and that they grow from it.

Its a bittersweet journey for all these characters, and I say, great. Character Growth. Checked.

It is not just all seriousness, the mature tone is balanced out with humour and silliness that all ages can enjoy. A well-placed fart joke or two, will get them kids giggling.

via Giphy

By the end of the day, Trollhunters is still made with kids in mind, though more violent, people and trolls alike get hurt, and some even die. However, the core elements in the series keeps it grounded and real. Responsibility is a core theme, from Jim’s responsibility as a son who makes lunch for his hardworking single mother to the savior of Troll kind that has to answer all calls to action, and the balance between those two worlds is by no means easy, he has suffered for it.

His teacher even calls Jim, Young Atlas. You know, the Titan from Greek Mythology who is tasked of maintaining the divide between the heavens and the earth on his shoulders! Responsibility. Quite fitting if I am to say.

via Giphy

To summarize, Trollhunters is not just a cheesy coming of age cartoon. It is a slow build up in the initial episodes, in which it sets up the characters and their relationships. It follows the traditional tropes of a fantasy hero plot, but the characters are much more complex than just stereotypical fantasy characters. The plot is formulaic at times, but it does engage the audience in unexpected ways, because nothing is certain.

Along with the engaging plot, we have one of the more visually appealing cartoons to this date, which dynamic and fluid sequences. 3D animation tends to have awkward sequences, especially a TV budget, Trollhunters has none of those problems. Instead it is vibrant and a delight to watch.

Watch it. Please. It is fantastic family cartoon. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy.

via Giphy

Also, SHOUT OUT to my favourite character, Gnome Chompsky. (A play on American Philosopher, Noam Chomsky)

via Giphy